
Welcome to the Barber Shop Conversation

The idea for this web site grew out of thinking about a personal archive of conversations and debates I have been engaged in. But it has grown into a place where conversation about the issues of the day can bruce kaye photobe debated and discussed in ways that respect both the importance of the issues and the courtesy that makes real understanding possible.

In ancient Greece the barber shop was in the market place and people went there not only to have a hair cut but also to drink coffee and talk about what was going on. In one sense it was like any unisex hairdresser today, a place to catch up and to take life seriously, but not too anxiously.

This site is a bit like that. Behind the buttons at the top of the page there remains the archive of the original thought and it is still being added to. It is the archive of an Anglican theologian who has had a life long interest in understanding the social shape of human existence and a profound belief that the diversity that our individual differences creates can work for the common good.

This site is in the public domain so that the conversation can be open to all.

Please click here for contact with Bruce Kaye.