
Articles in Academic Journals

Journal of Anglican Studies Editorials

Articles in Other Journals and on line


Edited Books

Sections in Books


Speeches and Interviews

Submissions and Reports

Introduction to Resources

This is the archive with which the idea of this web site began and has not quite left behind. The material has been divided into sections which will give you some idea of the type of material you are looking at. The more academic material is grouped at the top of the list. Articles in other journals are more popular pieces written for newspapers of various kinds. Submissions and reports contains material prepared for specific institutional occasions. The speeches are a little more formal in tone than the sermons, though they have usually addressed some church of social topic.

In each category there is a list of items, the latest at the top. There is a text for those highlighted which can be accessed by clicking on the title.
I welcome feedback on this material.

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