Edited Books
'Wonderful and Confessedly Strange'. Australian Essays in Anglican Ecclesiology (Adelaide: Australian Theologlical Forum, 2006).
Anglicanism in Australia - a History (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1, 2002).
Richard Hooker Issue. The Journal of Religious History, Vol 21,1 (Oxford: Blackwells, 1997).
Death in the City: Ethical Issues in the Urban Environment (Sydney: New College Institute for Values Research, 1992).
Right and Wrong at Work. Ethical Issues in Labour Relations in Australia (Sydney: New College Institute for Values Research, 1992).
With Nevile, J. Ed., Immigration- What Kind of Australia Do We Want? (Sydney: New College Institute for Values Research, 1989).
With Wenham, G. Ed., Law, Morality and the Bible (Leicester: IVP, 1978).
Obeying Christ in a Changing World (London: Collins, 1977).