
Articles in Academic Journals

Journal of Anglican Studies Editorials

Articles in Other Journals and on line


Edited Books

Sections in Books


Speeches and Interviews

Submissions and Reports


An Introduction to World Anglicanism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008).

With Harvey, V., Exercising Responsibility. A Governance Report on the Anglican Church of Australia (Sydney: Anglican Church of Australia General Synod Office, 2004).

Reinventing Anglicanism (Adelaide and New York: Openbook and Church Publishing, 2003).

Web of Meaning (Sydney: Aquilla Press, 2000).

Godly Citizens (Sydney: Anglican Press Australia, Studies for Lent and Other Times, 1999).

A Church without Walls. Being Anglican in Australia (Melbourne: Dove, 1995).

The Trouble with the Laity.  The Challenge of Lay Vocation in Australia.  The 1994 Felix Arnott Lecture, St Francis College Brisbane (Brisbane: St Francis College, 1994).

Christianity and Multiculturalism in Australlia (Canberra: Zadok Institute, Zadok Papers Series 1 Paper S42, 1989).

The Argument of Romans with Special Reference to Chapter 6 (Austin: Schola Press, 1979).

With Rogerson, J., Miracles and Mysteries in the Bible (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1978).

The Supernatural in the New Testament (ondon: Lutterworth, 1977).

Conservation and Life-Style.  Translation and Revision Of: K Bockmuhl, 'Umweltschutz, Lebenserhaltung'. Giessen : Brunnen-Verlag, 1975 (Bramcote: Grove Books, Grove Booklets on Ethics, 1977).

Using the Bible in Ethics (Bramcote: Grove Books, Grove Booklets in Ethics, 1976).