An Introduction to World Anglicanism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008).
With Harvey, V., Exercising Responsibility. A Governance Report on the Anglican Church of Australia (Sydney: Anglican Church of Australia General Synod Office, 2004).
Reinventing Anglicanism (Adelaide and New York: Openbook and Church Publishing, 2003).
Web of Meaning (Sydney: Aquilla Press, 2000).
Godly Citizens (Sydney: Anglican Press Australia, Studies for Lent and Other Times, 1999).
A Church without Walls. Being Anglican in Australia (Melbourne: Dove, 1995).
The Trouble with the Laity. The Challenge of Lay Vocation in Australia. The 1994 Felix Arnott Lecture, St Francis College Brisbane (Brisbane: St Francis College, 1994).
Christianity and Multiculturalism in Australlia (Canberra: Zadok Institute, Zadok Papers Series 1 Paper S42, 1989).
The Argument of Romans with Special Reference to Chapter 6 (Austin: Schola Press, 1979).
With Rogerson, J., Miracles and Mysteries in the Bible (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1978).
The Supernatural in the New Testament (ondon: Lutterworth, 1977).
Conservation and Life-Style. Translation and Revision Of: K Bockmuhl, 'Umweltschutz, Lebenserhaltung'. Giessen : Brunnen-Verlag, 1975 (Bramcote: Grove Books, Grove Booklets on Ethics, 1977).
Using the Bible in Ethics (Bramcote: Grove Books, Grove Booklets in Ethics, 1976).