Articles in Academic Journals
'Power, Order and Plurality: Getting Together in the Anglican Communion', Journal of Anglican Studies 2.1 (2004), pp. 81-95.
'On Putting Just War in Its Place', Interface 6.2 (2003), pp.
'Has the General Synod Turned a Corner?', St Mark's Review 186 (2001), pp. 23-30.
'Diversity, Unity and Identity; Issues on the Eve of the Lambeth Conference I I', St Mark's Review 172 (1998), pp. 3-6.
'Law Term Commencement Service', The Australian Law Journal 72 (1998), pp. 350-53.
'A National Perspective on Schools and the Role of the Principal', Proceedings of National Schools Consultative Committee Conference 1998 (1998), pp. 1-15.
'Australian Identity and the Anglican Church', Occasional Paper, Australian College of Theology 1 (1998)
'Authority and the Shaping of Tradition: New Essays on Richard Hooker', JRH 21.1 (1997), pp. 3-9.
'Authority and the Interpretation of Scripture in Hooker's of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity', JRH 21.1 (1997), pp. 80-109.
'Many Aspects of Pluralism: Issue on the Eve of the Lambeth Conference I', St Mark's Review 171 (1997), pp. 2-5.
'The Laity in Church Goverance According to Bishop Broughton', Journal of Religious History 20.1 (1996), pp. 78-92.
'The Forgotten Calling? Theology and the Vocation of the Laity', St Mark's Review 167 (1996), pp. 3-12.
'Theology for Life in a Plural Society', Intermission 1 (1995), pp. 3-14.
'Broughton and the Demise of the Royal Supremacy', Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society 81 (1995), pp. 39-51.
'The Real Issue in Business Ethics? Institutional Ethics and the Market Place', Australian Journal of Management 19.1 (1994), pp. 121-33.
'Being an Anglican School', Panorama 6.1 (1994), pp. 131-44.
'Richard Hooker and Australian Anglicanism', Sewanee Theological Review 36 (1993), pp. 227-45.
'An Australian Definition of Religion', University of New South Wales Law Journal 14.2 (1992), pp. 332-51.
'Codes of Ethics in Australian Business Corporations', Journal of Business Ethics 11 (1992), pp. 857-62.
'DF Strauss and the European Theological Tradition: "Der Ischariotismus Unsere Tag"?', Journal of Religious History 17 (1992), pp. 172-93.
'Cardinal Newman at the University of New South Wales', The Australasian Catholic Record 68 (1991), pp. 72-79.
'The Value of Human Life and Ethical Practice in Medicine', St Mark's Review 142 (1990), pp. 26-33.
'Ethics and the Lawyer', Utopia, The Journal of the Thomas More Society.1 (1990), pp. 12-16.
Wirth Trelaor, G., 'J B Lightfoot and New Testament Interpretation: An Unpublished Manuscript of 1885', Durham University Journal 82.2 (1990), pp. 161-75.
'The Anglican Tradition in Australia', St Mark's Review 141 (1990), pp. 24-33.
'"One Flesh" And Marriage', Colloquium 22 (1990), pp. 46-57.
'Using the Bible in Ethical Decisons', Zadok Perspectives 29 (1990), pp. 14-17.
'Ethics Management in the 1990's. The Individual', The Law, The Corporation and the Individual. Proceedings of St James Ethics Centre Conference 1989 (1989), pp. 53-65.
'Australian Youth and the Protestant Work Ethic', Zadok Perspectives 25 (1989), pp.
'Community of Scholars of Scholars of the Community ?', Journal of Christian Education Papers 92 (1988), pp. 31-44.
'The Right to Die', St Mark's Review 133 (1988), pp. 21-27.
With Treloar, G., 'Jb Lightfoot on Strauss and Christian Origins: An Unpublished Manuscript', Durham University Journal 59.2 (1987), pp. 165-200.
'And God Killer Cock Robin?', Search 17 (1986), pp. 205-07.
'The Authority of the Church and the Ordination of Women', St Mark's Review 125 (1986), pp. 53-58.
'What Is Distinctive About Christian Welfare Work?', St Mark's Review 123/124 (1985), pp. 48-54.
'Is a Theolgy of the State Possible in Plural Australia?', Colloquium 18 (1985), pp. 54-60.
'Politics, Morality and Self Preservation. A Response to Anthony Hill', Zadok Perspectives 11 (1985), pp. 17.
'Cultural Interaction in the New Testament', Theologische Zeitschrift 40 (1984), pp. 341-58.
'Lightfoot and Baur on Early Christianity', Novum Testamentum 26 (1984), pp. 193-224.
'Church and Politics: Some Guidelines from the New Testament', Churchman 93 (1979), pp. 211-24.
'Acts Portrait of Silas', Novum Testamentum 21 (1979), pp. 13-26.
'"To the Romans and Others" - Re-Visitied', Novum Testamentum 18 (1976), pp. 37-77.
'Eschatology and Ethics in 1 and 2 Thessalonians', Novum Testamentum 17 (1975), pp. 47-57.
'Recent Roman Catholic New Testament Research', Churchman 84 (1975), pp. 246-56.
'Theology Comes Tomorrow?', Churchman 88 (1974), pp. 277-87.
'Paul and Contemporary Culture', Bulletin of the Evangelical Fwllowship for Missioanry Studies 2 (1973), pp. 23-38.
'Βαπτιζειν Εισ with Special Reference to Romans 6', Studia Evangelica VI, Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Altchristliche Literatur 112 (1973), pp. 281-86.
'Political Obedience in Romans 13', Theological STudents' Fellowship Bulletin 63 (1972), pp. 10-12.
'An Educational Role for the Church', Journal of Christian Education 11 (1968), pp. 58-64.